MOT organizes a meeting to explain projects management contract

  Project management department in the Ministry of Transport in cooperation with the "National Program for Project Support, Operation, and Maintenance in Public Entities" organized an introductory meeting to explain the project management contract at the Ministry's headquarters today. The meeting was held in the presence of HE the Advisor of the Minister of Transport Eng. Al-Hathallul, and a number of representatives of project management companies with international expertise.
     ​The meeting comes as part of the Kingdom's aim to improve the quality of projects and involve the private sector in the implementation and operation of infrastructure projects, to achieve Saudi Vision 2030 objectives in raising the level of road safety and reducing road fatalities. This contract will promote project management in the ministry for it is based on the best international practices and contribute in training and qualifying the national manpower and transfer the knowledge, which will positively affect the performance of projects implementation .




Last updated: 3/17/2019 2:49 PM

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